Videos from David Frenette

Enjoy the following videos from David Frenette. You may also enjoy and like his YouTube channel at this link here.

David Frenette and his wife Donna Zerner share some poignant and funny memories of David and Thomas’ time together, on the 100th anniversary of Fr. Thomas’ birth: March 7, 2023. Click here or on the image at left to watch this 16-minute video. Fr. Thomas Keating was a Trappist monk and pioneer in the Christian contemplative prayer movement. He died in 2018 at the age of 95, having inspired countless lives with his wisdom and compassion.

David is a spiritual director and the author of The Path of Centering Prayer. He worked closely with Fr. Thomas for 35 years as a senior student and protégé. Donna is a former editor/publishing consultant, a storyteller and spiritual comedienne.

Honoring Father Thomas Keating

What would Fr. Thomas suggest about how to live during these challenging times? I remember the final time I visited with him over two days with Donna, my wife, when he was in hospice at the monastery infirmary. Even from his hospice bed, Fr. Thomas communicated contemplative presence and kindness, an offering of his meditative life to the two of us sitting with him for those hours and to the world.


I created this video with Donna, in recognition of Fr. Thomas Keating’s life work, for October 25, 2020, is the anniversary of his death two years ago. Click here or on image at right. In this video, Wisdom from a Dying Monk: Our Final Visit with a Dying Monk, Donna and I reminiscence about this visit and reflect on takeaways as they apply to this perilous time. Whatever your spiritual path, we invite you to view our conversation, we welcome you into our home and circle of friends.


~David Frenette | Centering Prayer and Heart Intention

Other Videos

Christian Contemplative Practices

Video posted on February 24, 2015. David Frenette has been a long-time supporter, affiliate and teacher for the Garrison Institute, offering a diverse, spiritual array of programs and integrating contemplation with engaged action. Learn more at Enjoy David's video by clicking here or on the image above.

Christian Mysticism in Contemporary Life

What is prayer? Is it only talking to God when you want something or when you’re desperate?
Is it something you only do from a place of religious belief? In this soul-searching video interview with Lisa Garr, David explains the practice of centering prayer.

This 40-minute video interview is part of GaiaTV’s spirituality series. You can watch a short preview and sign up for GaiaTV to watch the whole video (a free 10-day trial period is available).

Click here for more information.

The Heart of Contemplation: Sounds True

David Frenette Feature, "The Heart of Contemplation"
Sounds True: A Good Minute
hosted by Tami Simon
July 26, 2013

Centered Life, Mindful Life

Video posted on February 24, 2015. David Frenette has been a long-time supporter, affiliate and teacher for the Garrison Institute, offering a diverse, spiritual array of programs and integrating contemplation with engaged action. Learn more at Enjoy David's video by clicking here or on the image above.

Seeing with Night Vision

Seeing With Night Vision
August 19, 2012
David Teaching

Living in Unknowing and Trust