David Frenette was a part of the amazing Sounds True Meditation Summit in June 2016. You may enjoy David’s session, “Meditating with Presence,” and many other leading teachers’ practical guidance and breakthrough insights (30+ hours!), 30+ special bonuses from these teachers, The Meditation Experience on-line course, downloads of all of these sessions and bonuses for lifetime access and continued inspiration. Click on the image above or click here to learn more and invest.
In this excerpt from the new audio program Centering Prayer Meditations: Effortless Contemplation to Deepen Your Experience of God, David discusses the concept of “the dark night of the soul” – that infamous time of inner spiritual conflict.
According to David, that dark night may be arduous, but it can also reveal the truth of your soul. In the words of Sounds True producer Randy Roark, “[David] explains how this dark night is one of the most important elements of a spiritual path, in that it leads you beyond everything that’s false, everything that’s untested, everything that can and will fall away.”
Click here to enjoy this free audio teaching.
Bread for the Journey Radio
Host Marianna Cacciatore’s interview with David Frenette
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Listen to the archive at this link here
Sounds True Direct Access:
Offering Many Benefits and Featuring David Frenette
Originally recorded on Sunday, June 23, 2013 ~ 2 p.m. MT
“Heartful Presence: A Meditation for Awakening to the Divine”
with David Frenette
Listen to David’s Worldwide Meditation as an archived recording
Direct Access, a new membership program at Sounds True.com, features podcasts, inspiring content, free gifts, downloadable music and meditations, and more. You may register for free or choose to invest in other tiers of this program by clicking here.
To access your Sounds True Direct Access membership and hear David after registering,
1. Go to http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/welcome
2. In upper-right area, click on My Account
3. Sign in with username and password you used for registration
4. After signing in, by default, you will then see the Your Digital Library page;
in the Membership section, click on the small membership button at the far right:
5. On the Membership Home page, enjoy your free gifts and offerings. To hear David’s June 23 “Heartful Presence: A Meditation for Awakening to the Divine,” click on the “Worldwide Meditations” listing (scroll down on page) in the Free Podcasts and Excerpts section:
World Spirituality: The Path of Centering Prayer:
Rev. Paul John Roach Interview with David Frenette
*Episode Description: “Deepening your experience of God—author and senior teacher in the centering prayer movement David Frenette joins me to talk about his new book.”
Interview with Buddhist Geeks: “Meditating with God”
Part One of Two
“David describes his path from Zen to Christianity
and how he uses the practice of Centering Prayer
to deepen his experience of God”
* * * * *
Interview with Buddhist Geeks: “The Path of Centering Prayer”
Part Two of Two
“David describes the similarities and differences
between Buddhist and Christian practice, the benefit of surrender,
and the Christian Contemplative tenet of
‘the God within serves the God in other people.’”
Sounds True Interview
Listen to this intriguing hour-long interview, available as a podcast,
where David talks with Tami Simon, Sounds True’s publisher, about his work.
August 28, 2012